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Church Anniversary

Introducing an Idea
Church Anniversary will be October 20th, if you are interested in assisting with any Church Anniversary Events please let Sis. Diane know.
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Church Pledge

Gospel Choir
For our Church Anniversary this year we are asking all members to give $100.00, we have special white envelopes to distinguish your giving towards Church Anniversary please see one of the Ushers to
get one.
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Church Attire

White T-shirt
Every 4th Sunday starting Sunday May 26th we will be wearing our Church T-Shirts. If you have not paid for your shirt, please do so as soon as possible. If you would like to purchase a shirt we do have additional Larges and X-Large sizes for purchase.
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Volunteers Cleaning Nature
We are in need of some of our men (women if you would like) to volunteer to clean out our storage spaces on the side of the church.
If you would like to sign up, please let Sis. Aley or Bro. Bradley know.
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October 14th: Linda Bradley 

October 15th: Micah Newby

October 16th: Tenisha King

October 18: Kevin Millsaps

October 18: Melissa Millsaps

Happy Anniversary
October 18th:   Kevin and Melissa Millsaps



Important Information

 Vision of Mercy is hosting their annual “No Need to Struggle Again" community feeding at Miller Park on October 12, at 10 AM -2 PM.


Volunteers are needed to help prepare nonperishable food bags. Bags will be prepared on October 11th at 6 PM at COTFB. 

Please contact Sister Diane for any information.



​Church Anniversary Fundraisers and Events

Theme: Seasoning of Unity
Scripture: Ephesians 4:3

Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace already.

To Go Dinner Fundraiser
Dates: October 13, 2024


Week Of Service
Date: October 14-18, 2024
Time: 7:00 p.m.


Climax Sunday Service
Date: October 20, 2024
Time: 11:00 a.m.

Dinner to Follow Directly after Service



Week Of Events

• Sunday School at 10: 00 a.m.
• Sunday Worship at 11:00 a.m.
• Wednesday Mid-day Bible Study at 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
• Wednesday Adult Bible Study at 6:45 p.m.
• Wednesday Children’s Bible Study at 6:30 p.m.
• Baptism last Sunday of each month.
• Sunday Evening AA Meeting at 5:00 p.m.


October Bus Schedule

 Monday, October 14th: Bro. Espey

·Tuesday, October 15th: Sis. Diane

·Wednesday, October 16: Sis. Tasha

·Thursday and Friday, October 17tth & 18th:  Deacon Bradley


• Our Let’s Be Unique and Fill a Seat Fundraiser is currently going on.
You have the opportunity to participate in a fun fundraiser where you
can fill a seat in the church for $2.00 per seat (these are hypothetical
seats). We have a goal to fill 300 seats so make sure to purchase your



We will be traveling to Greater Park City Baptist Church on October 27th in celebration of their Pastor, King Mason Sr., Pastoral Anniversary. The service will start at 4:00pm and we want to have the whole church attend.


Staff meeting will be on Oct 19th, at 3 PM.


All ministry leaders, please turn in monthly reports by Oct 13th.


Prayer Requests

We are still having the prayer line on Tuesday at 7:00 pm. Please join us by calling
Access code: 560082.

Matthew 6:6

"But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret...." 

Please keep the following people in your prayers:

Barbra Bowman

Becky Card

Brielle Thomas

Carol Stringer

David Fitch

Denise Douglas

Deonta Brooks

Dorothy Palmer

Dorothy Watkins

Euradell Heathington

Gertie Miller

Jerome Gibbs

Kendra Clark

Lee Bowman

Lena Armour

Lisa Richmond

Mamie Harris

Marteen Dean

Marvis Dean

Maurinna Dean

Mother Connie Johnson

Mother Joyce Baly

Mother Mary Kennard

Donna McCoy

Mycah Dean

Pastor Randolph Higginbotham

Robert Morgan

Tene Franklin

Wanda Caffey

Charlene Conney and her Granddaughter






In need of prayer: 



To pay your tithes, you may do so via Cash App ($COTFB423), Venmo @Dorothy- Johnson-72, or mail it to P.O Box 2009 Chattanooga, Tn.37409 in a secure envelope. If you are needing someone to pick up your tithes, please send a direct message through Facebook, or call the front office and we will have someone pick up your tithes.

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